Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Learnings from 15 Training programs in past 2 months

Had a wonderful time in the past 2 month conducting the 15 Front Line managers induction program. We were able to train 400+ managers during this period. repeating the same content over 15 times has its advantages. i was able to observer a lot of generative thinking take place. when so many people were exposed to some thought strings and they question back helped me validate some thoughts that i feel were consolidated during this period
an attempt to list my learning or take homes from the past 2 months

" I Exactly know what my boss thinks of me ( i may or may not agree with him) and i behave or perform my role exactly to match my bosses thinking i.e. if he thinks i am stupid i am bound to behave stupid."

"Most managers work , operate or manage people by lighting the fire below their subordinates ass. but the art of managing is about lighting the fire within their subordinates. a leader know the only way to do that is to light the fire within ones own self. The true source of motivating other is motivating oneself first."

Every manager need to maintain 3 checklist
* the to- do Check list - for the day
* the running Check list - for longer projects / complex projects
* the SOP Check list - for carrying out recurring task
This becomes a fundamental in organizing oneself

The shift form a doer to a manger is about moving form being reactive to becoming proactive. when this aspect impact every dimension of your work the transition is complete

The concept of " I love you" is very powerful. every manger must ask them self " do they really love their subordinates" first love then manage.

The role of a manager is
* To achieve the organizations objective
* Be the a custodians of the various system and process deigned to achieve organizations goals. this ensue 100% implementation
* Develop People